Why Do We Charge An Initial Fee?
Premium, Focused Marketing
We use it to invest in premium marketing. Without this, we would be in the same position as everybody else. We would be either relying on free adverts that only the wrong people see or 'subsidising' the advert by making it deliberately vague so it can be used as a 'trawler net' to fill up a candidate database for other roles. Whichever way, the chances of your success will plummet. (You can read more here - "Why job adverts for in-demand candidates usually fail." and "How recruitment agencies can make more money from bad adverts.")
Professional, Creative Advertising
Knowing we are investing to reach the right people, we can craft a more focused marketing message that targets only the best candidates. To make sure this happens, we use professional, creative copywriters.
We measured the response rates between a specialist writer and a seasoned recruitment consultant who had written hundreds of job adverts in their career.