Why recruitment advertising gets a poor response and 'offers' keep getting rejected.

Why 'Job Adverts' Usually Fail

Advertising has the potential to be fast and cost-effective. After all, it's where recruitment agencies get the vast majority of their candidates.

When we bring this approach up to clients, we usually get the same response - they tried it and it didn't work. The same two issues keep coming up. 

Poor Response From Advert

As with most standard recruitment solutions, it can work well in the right conditions. Unfortunately, recruiting in-demand candidates this way presents unique problems. (Click on the tabs to read more.)

Offers Keep Getting Rejected

Of course, getting the candidate to apply is only the beginning. It doesn't mean a thing if they won't accept your offer.

A Cheaper Approach With A Higher Success Rate.

Our approach is designed to address the obvious weaknesses in the traditional approach. It is a faster, more focused approach which is designed to attract the right candidates and increase the chances they accept your offer.

Although maximising the success rate was always our primary aim, it's a significant side-benefit that our approach usually works out cheaper than doing it yourself and around a quarter of the price of using an agency.

You can read more about DFSelection, our advertising and candidate management approach here.

Recruitment Solutions That Work

Increase your success rate, lower your costs and make the next time even easier.

dFSelection Advertising

Recruitment Solutions That Work

Increase your success rate, lower your costs and make the next time even easier.